At Thomas, we have a special place in our hearts for our furry friends and love to celebrate them on our new Instagram account, @manufacturersbestfriend. Below you'll meet some of the industry pets you'll see on our feed:
Brecon is a work from home advocate and loves to join in on early team meetings, as long as he's gotten his morning treat.
Lucy is the ultimate co-pilot. Although she can't help with the actual work, she's always around for moral support.
Although we've never actually heard Charlie talk, he's somehow consistently our top salesperson.
Buck reminds us all to stop and smell the roses, or the trees, or the grass... or hey what's that thing over there?
Who knew a retired model would make the best shop manager?
Fletch has been learning the business from the ground up since day one.
For a chance to be featured on our Instagram account, email us the name of your pet, a photo, and a few lines about them.
You can also submit your photos by sending us a direct message or tagging us in your photo on Instagram. Don’t forget to follow!
Enjoy free STEM resources from Thomas as we celebrate Manufacturing Day 2020.