Thomas Community: Stay safe. Stay connected. Stay strong.
Dear Thomas Community,
At Thomas, we are committed to the health and safety of our employees, as well as continuing to serve our customers and the industry. We are following the guidelines from the CDC, WHO, NY and PA Health departments. We have ensured that all team members can work remotely while providing the same high level of service you’ve come to expect from Thomas. We have implemented a 60 day travel suspension to limit non-essential international and domestic travel. We are leveraging video-conferencing to conduct internal and external meetings.

Industry 4.0: Six Steps Manufacturers Need To Take Now
In 2009, there were 2.5 billion devices with unique IP addresses connected to the internet — most of these were cell phones and computers. By 2020, there will be up to 30 billion connected devices with unique IP addresses, and many of these will be industrial products. Driven by new digital technologies, cloud computing and the Internet of Everything, this new industrial connectivity is driving what’s referred to by some analysts as “Industry 4.0.”
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8 Valuable Resources for Industrial Business Leaders
Every day, we use 2.5 quintillion bytes of data posting on social media, pinging GPS signals, downloading music — essentially, just living in the digital world. Do you know what a quintillion is? It’s one million, raised to the power of five. It’s one thousand, raised to the power of six. It’s a one followed by 18 zeros. It’s a big number. Suffice to say, we’re making heavy use of the digital resources at our disposal.
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