Thomas Community: Stay safe. Stay connected. Stay strong.

Dear Thomas Community,

At Thomas, we are committed to the health and safety of our employees, as well as continuing to serve our customers and the industry. We are following the guidelines from the CDC, WHO, NY and PA Health departments. We have ensured that all team members can work remotely while providing the same high level of service you’ve come to expect from Thomas. We have implemented a 60 day travel suspension to limit non-essential international and domestic travel. We are leveraging video-conferencing to conduct internal and external meetings. 

While we believe in “Physical Distancing” during this pandemic, we are committed to staying socially connected - our core values of being guiding, ensuring, approachable, and focused have never been more applicable. We are encouraging our team to reach out to family, friends, colleagues, and customers to simply talk. We encourage all of you to do the same - you’ll be glad you did. We need each other right now.

These are unprecedented times and a strong reminder that our products and services serve as essential resources for the industrial and manufacturing markets. As do our people. We want to assure you that we are here for you. The platform and all our operations have made a smooth transition to remote work and our services have not been impacted by this public health crisis. Please continue to source products and services or interact with Thomas employees and Certified Thomas Partners as you normally would. We are here to help you get your job done.

We are seeing an increase in sourcing activity on our platform and thousands of you shared feedback in a series of surveys we’ve done in the last two weeks on the impact the pandemic is having on your supply chain, lead times, and business operations. We will be continuously sharing this data with the news media, government organizations, and all of you. Our goal is to democratize this information to help the manufacturing community and others plan appropriately. We are also ramping up our content on ways to connect with customers, prospects and suppliers via video conferencing.

To make your sourcing efforts on the platform even easier we’ve recently added a “Thomas Registered” badge to identify suppliers that have their business information validated. We implemented the ability for suppliers to share videos of factory tours or company overviews as traveling to facilities will be difficult for the near future. We have expanded content on products and services that are in high demand and critical for the national and global response to this virus. Coming soon, we will add information on lead times and availability from specific suppliers as well. These updates will help you find the information you need as fast as possible during this health crisis.

Stay safe. Stay connected. Stay strong.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank You,

Tony Uphoff Headshot 2019

Tony Uphoff

President & CEO, Thomas


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