Is Your Website Optimized For Conversions?
Industrial businesses are increasingly relying on their website as a sales generation tool. Websites generate leads for manufacturing companies by providing information that industrial buyers are researching prior to making a purchase. When those leads turn into sales, that is typically called a "conversion."
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Do Industrial Businesses Really Need an Online Marketing Strategy?
Many industrial businesses struggle with the notion that they should be promoting themselves online in order to gain new sales and grow their business. In some ways, this is less about the viability and effectiveness of online marketing tactics than a belief that more traditional offline marketing tactics work just as well. This begs the question: Do industrial companies really need to do any form of online marketing?
Read More »“Nudge” Website Visitors into Becoming Buyers
It happens more than most industrial suppliers realize or would like to admit. Your website succeeds in holding a visitor for the critical first 6 to 8 seconds needed to keep his or her attention. He or she reads an overview about your company and your products/services, etc. You know you're a great fit. But the visitor doesn't make contact. No sale happens. What went wrong?
Read More »4 Tactics of Successful Sales People and How to Apply Them to Your Website
The best and most successful sales people today are those that go far beyond a good pitch. They are the ones that know their market and their products inside and out. More importantly, they speak to a customer's main question: "What's in it for me?" Many times, though, your website is the first "sales person" a potential customer will encounter. Below are four tactics that your website can employ to help make your website a highly effective, 24-7 sales channel.
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