The Language of Industrial Marketing
Jargon has been getting a bad rap lately. The Content Marketing Institute recently went so far as to say that an over-reliance on "insider"-type language can derail your entire marketing program. In many ways, that's true — but it's not the whole story, especially for industrial marketing.
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B2C and B2B Marketing: They’re Closer Than You Think
As everyday consumers bombarded with marketing and advertising messaging, it's strange how difficult it can seem to crack the code of B2B marketing. The core concepts are the same: prove your products' (and your) worth, promote awareness, create loyalty, and so on — but the products, the process, and the people involved are very different.
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Social Media for Industrial Companies: LinkedIn
For the past two weeks, weve covered two of the most popular social media platforms for business: Twitter and Facebook. One we have yet to cover, and is essential for any B2B company interested in social media, is LinkedIn.
Unlike the other social media platforms, LinkedIn is driven mainly by B2B companies; manufacturing being widely represented. So what makes LinkedIn different?

Social Media for Industrial Companies: Twitter
Social media has been a hot topic for months now. Weve heard everything from its here to stay to companies not involved are losing out on opportunities. Though these statements are typically true, do we know why? Do we know why social media is adopted by more B2B companies every day?

Demolish Creative Roadblocks With New Content Sources
If you're considering starting a content marketing strategy, odds are you've asked yourself where and how you will create all this content. The good news is that there are a lot of resources that you can tap for content that is valuable to buyers.
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How Thomas Remained Competitive and Relevant Through Changing Times
It is no surprise that technology has been the basis of change on how we do business. With technological advances over the years from the creation of the printing press all the way to today's ever-changing digital space, it has become imperative for businesses to maintain relevancy and competitiveness.

The Art of Selling Without Selling: Content Marketing
The old adage of sales was as easy as “ABC:” Always Be Closing. The new landscape of online marketing and sales, however, calls for a different skill: Selling Without Selling. What exactly does that mean? First, let’s take a step back and review some marketing methods that industrial companies are using on the internet:
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How a Robust, Interactive Website Can Improve Business Operations
For the past few weeks, a quality website has been the core of our articles. We've emphasized how websites can help product manufacturers reach the right audience and engage prospects.
These reasons alone are essential for having a quality website, but one aspect that most manufacturers do not consider is that a robust, interactive website can improve business operations. Here's how.

How Product Manufacturers Can Reach The Right Audience Online
Reaching the right audience makes all the difference. Do you agree? Increasing your visibility to your business' target audience saves your company time and resources. It also allows your business to potentially connect and develop stronger relationships with customers. However, being in front of the right audience isnt the only important aspect to think about.
You also want to make sure you are providing your audience with all the relevant information they are searching for.