The Thomas Blog

Disruption In Manufacturing

Can Disruptive Technologies Lead To Disruption For Your Business?

As new technologies emerge, new possibilities for disruption do as well. Smartphones and apps enabled Uber and Lyft to disrupt the staid taxi business, while the widespread availability of high-speed Internet allowed Netflix to bury Blockbuster and, ultimately, become one of the most profitable companies in the world. Even brick-and-mortar industries, like hotels and hospitality, aren’t immune to disruption, as evidenced the growing popularity of Airbnb.

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Are Robots Taking Our Jobs?

You've seen the headlines. Kiosks are replacing cashiers, autonomous vehicles are putting taxi drivers on the side of the road, and robots are now writing blog posts

Clearly, robots have already started to replace workers in various industries. Are they coming for industrial jobs next?

The short answer? Kind of.

The longer answer? While they will most likely change the makeup of the industrial workforce and the way people do their jobs, the situation is not as dire as many people think. In fact, it could be a positive development for industry.   

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Manufacturing and Industrial

Video: Soldiers Will Get A Boost With Exoskeletons

Soldiers are about to get a big upgrade courtesy of engineers at the U.S. Army Research Lab. The engineers are creating a DARPA-funded exoskeleton suit that will help soldiers carry heavier equipment, march longer distances and improve mental acuity. 

The suit is made of pulleys and gears that help prevent and reduce musculoskeletal injuries, which is a common occurrence for many soldiers. The suit is already making major impacts as servicemen and women have reported improved endurance and reduced stress on their joints during tests. 

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