The Thomas Blog


4 Ways You Can Flush Your ROI Down the Toilet

You can just hear the sound in your head as your marketing budget circles the drain, never coming back, with nothing to show for it. It’s the scenario you may find yourself in if you’re not thinking about return on investment (ROI) when you plan a marketing program.

ROI is a few things: it’s a measure of how effective your marketing is, how efficient it is, and how productive it is. But it really boils down to one yes-or-no, bottom line question: Was it worth it? You can have all the impressive metrics you want, but if the ROI isn’t there you may as well just toss those dollars down the bowl. How can a marketing program go so wrong? Here are a few ways.

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Social Media

Four Signs You Might Be “That Guy” On Social Media

We’ve all met “that guy” before. It might have been at work, maybe at a conference, maybe a party. You know the one: the person who barely bothers to make note of your name before starting in about all the greatest things about themselves — things you have no interest in whatsoever.

After about 30 seconds, you realize, “Wow, I’ve got to go!” No one ever wants to be “that guy” — but unfortunately, it’s all too easy for him to take over in our social media marketing.

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Marketing Strategy

The Right People, the Wrong Time - Why Persona Targeting Is Important

Here’s the wrong way to go on a job interview: burst unannounced into the company president’s office. Don’t drop a resume on their desk, but a bulleted list of your favorite foods, because why not? On your way out, walk by some engineers and spout off a few qualifications – no context. A week later, give human resources a call and begin an in-depth conversation about the finer points of laser welding. Forget that they have no idea who you are or what you’re talking about.

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Social Media

What’s the Story? 3 Ways to Get Buyers to Talk About You

Do you remember the Volvo Trucks ad featuring Jean-Claude van Damme’s “Epic Split” between two backward-driving trucks? (If not, click here to see it). It was all the rage on social media a few years ago.. That’s a lot of mainstream crossover appeal for a B-to-B spot – over 72 million YouTube views.

It got the right people talking about the right things — truck drivers and equipment buyers marveling at the hardware capabilities, and everyone else applauding the “wow” factor. We’re not saying to run out and find the nearest 90s action star for your next marketing campaign. But using your B-to-B marketing to get the right people talking  even just within the organizations you’re targeting — can help you drive more business.

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Business Tips

3 Reasons to Get Your Sales Timing Right

Football season is long over, but imagine some poor wide receiver who missed that memo. He waited until today to say, “OK, I’m suiting up, going out there, and I’m ready to catch a touchdown pass.”

Wouldn’t he look pretty foolish trotting onto the field and wondering where everybody was? He’d have to wait a while before making that reception — in fact, he wouldn’t even have a chance for quite some time.

He’d be in the right place, but when your timing is that far off, it barely even matters  much the same way mistiming your top prospects’ needs in the B2B buying cycle can take you out of the game, and leave you sitting on the bench waiting to get back in.

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Closing the Deal: The B2B Buying Cycle, Part 5

Although the RFI process represents the end of the B2B buying cycle, in many ways it’s actually another beginning. Often, it’s the first time a prospect will contact you. It’s the start of the “face-to-face” process of closing a sale. And ideally, it commences a long and productive partnership between you and the buyer.

Just like each step leading up to it, however, it’s important to treat the RFI as an important component of the overall process, not merely a formality on the way to a sale.

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Stand Out on the Shortlist: The B2B Buying Cycle, Part 4

Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. What’s most important to them when sourcing? Early on, speed and efficiency are key — conducting research on their terms, without worrying about an email or a call back. That doesn’t change once they reach the shortlist stage — they’re still not ready to spend time on queries. In fact, you likely won’t even know you’re on the shortlist until the first time they contact you.

How does the shortlist work, and how can you improve your chances of getting there — and getting selected?

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