Mightier Than the Pen: Different Types of Content For Industrial Marketing
How many different types of media — and content — do you encounter each day?
Whether for business, personal consumption, or a combination of both, there are probably quite a few, and you respond to each one differently. Reading a blog post or news article, you might pay closer attention — or you may skim. Watching a quick video online, or the evening news when you get home, you might be taking a bit of a break — though your brain may be more "tuned in" to what you're watching.
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The Top 5 Ways to Find Content for Industrial Marketing
"My industry is boring." "We're not a very big shop." "There aren't many technological advances in what we do." These are just a few of the common misconceptions that create content roadblocks for industrial marketing. All too many companies miss opportunities to connect because they aren't sure how to truly engage with their customers.
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How Content Marketing Can Help Industrial Companies Stand Out
Do you ever feel like your inbox has been hijacked by spam: sales, promotions, act now, deal ends today, emails?
Whether you've had prior interactions with the companies that send these emails or not, receiving them can become frustrating.

Demolish Creative Roadblocks With New Content Sources
If you're considering starting a content marketing strategy, odds are you've asked yourself where and how you will create all this content. The good news is that there are a lot of resources that you can tap for content that is valuable to buyers.
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The Art of Selling Without Selling: Content Marketing
The old adage of sales was as easy as “ABC:” Always Be Closing. The new landscape of online marketing and sales, however, calls for a different skill: Selling Without Selling. What exactly does that mean? First, let’s take a step back and review some marketing methods that industrial companies are using on the internet:
Read More »Why Corporate Blogs Fail: 4 Things to Avoid
Corporate blogs are becoming increasingly common. But successful corporate blogs – those that build an audience of current and prospective buyers — continue to be rare. But just because people are reading your blog, doesn't mean it's attracting customers.
To make your blog successful from a business standpoint, you have to achieve one key goal: Engagement. That means readers come there voluntarily, enjoy what they read, and extract value from it.
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The Importance of Content for SEO [INFOGRAPHIC]
Content is king.
We've heard this so many times we usually don't even think about it anymore; we don't acknowledge it. However, the truth is content is king.
In the past few weeks we've discussed social media and its importance in business. We've touched on how blogging can help businesses share their expertise, appear favorably in the search engines through optimized keywords, and become thought leaders.

Blogging Makes a Business Difference: Why Companies Should Blog
Blogging — to some that means an online journal; to others it's an informational website on either a specific topic or various topics. To define it officially, a blog is a website where individual(s) provide entries of any type of content from video and podcasts to traditional text and photos in order to inform or create discussions.
Typically blogs are presented in reverse chronological order.
Read More »5 Ways to Get More out of Case Studies & Testimonials
The effectiveness of customer testimonials and case studies in marketing, sales and public relations efforts has long been understood by industrial businesses.
The challenge for many companies is how to leverage this content so as to best influence buyers.
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