5 Ways to Get More out of Case Studies & Testimonials
The effectiveness of customer testimonials and case studies in marketing, sales and public relations efforts has long been understood by industrial businesses.
The challenge for many companies is how to leverage this content so as to best influence buyers.
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Do Industrial Businesses Really Need an Online Marketing Strategy?
Many industrial businesses struggle with the notion that they should be promoting themselves online in order to gain new sales and grow their business. In some ways, this is less about the viability and effectiveness of online marketing tactics than a belief that more traditional offline marketing tactics work just as well. This begs the question: Do industrial companies really need to do any form of online marketing?
Read More »How to Make the Best First Impression in B2B Industrial Sales
We all know that first impressions matter — B2B sales are no exception.
Having sales personnel that are well groomed, well-spoken and well prepared for meetings with buyers is one way to help ensure a good first impression. Another way requires understanding where many first impressions take place, and what buyers will be expecting when they meet you.
Read More »What is Your Sales Strategy Missing?
You've set your objectives, determined the steps required to get there, and analyzed your market to figure out the best sales channels to use (face-to-face, telesales, direct mail, etc.). There is still one critical element to your sales strategy that you may have overlooked.
Read More »6 Ways to Ensure No One Reads Your Blog
Congratulations! You've decided your industrial business needs a blog as part of its marketing strategy. That's a great decision, and one that is sure to pay off.
A blog will position your company as a knowledge leader in your field, draw traffic to your website, and boost your reputation among peers, customers and potential customers.
Read More »3 Myths of Social Media Industrial Businesses Can't Afford to Believe
There is a prevalence of knowledge and information about how social media can be used effectively in the B2B industrial sales and marketing cycle. Yet many individuals still hold misconceptions about these platforms and how they work.
Read More »Why Industrial Businesses Should Outsource Pay-Per-Click
One of the most common forms of search engine marketing (SEM) is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. PPC allows companies to advertise their company, brand and products alongside search engine results. By aligning their ads to specific keywords and phrases, industrial businesses can target companies looking for the products/services they sell. As the name implies, businesses only pay when users click over to their site.
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Marketing ROI: A Tip, a Trick and a Challenge
It is more important than ever today for marketing professionals to maximize the return on investment (ROI) for their marketing efforts. But the ability to determine a clear ROI for marketing continues to elude many companies. While there is no single solution to getting more out of your marketing, there are some marketing methods that are both more effective and easier to measure the effectiveness of. What follows is one tip, one trick, and one challenge that all marketers should be aware of that should help boost their marketing ROI.
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6 Techniques to Improve the Effectiveness of Videos for Generating Business
Industrial businesses looking to use online videos as part of their sales and marketing efforts need to realize one simple fact: not all videos are created equal. This statement has nothing to do with production quality or content. It means that not all videos are effective for B2B lead generation. Here are 6 tips that you can use in your videos.
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