Engineer Q & A – Schlumberger Engineer Among Women Fueling the Future of STEM
If you were on Twitter at all this week, you may have noticed a number of posts discussing the importance of women in STEM careers. And if you were online on Tuesday specifically, you likely saw that #AdaLovelaceDay was trending across the Twittersphere. The day is meant to celebrate a woman who is largely remembered as the first computer programmer. To further commemorate the advances women have made in technology and engineering, we’ve chosen to highlight a female engineer in our next Engineer Q & A series installment.
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David Allen of Shell Oil Talks Mentorship, Millennials & Supply Chain
Some of the brightest lights taking the reigns of the industry are already making a name for themselves at some notable companies, but supply chain rockstars don't always get the industry-wide recognition they deserve.
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75% of Marketers Agree: Inbound Marketing is the Strategy of Choice
If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know that we’re big fans of inbound marketing. You’ve probably also noticed that we typically post content on Fridays to coincide with our Industrial Marketer newsletter. Today is Tuesday. Why are we messing with the flow?
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Automation Improves Microbrewery Processes
Craft breweries and other small brewing companies are a growing and competitive market. Many face new challenges every day when striving for quality, consistency and increasing production demands.
Automating the measurement of various brewery processes can offer a solution to these challenges, enabling smaller breweries to achieve production and quality targets more efficiently. They don’t necessarily need large and complex system, such as those used by large commercial breweries. By automating a few key processes, small breweries can see a huge difference.
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The Top 5 Marketing Resources for Manufacturers
No matter how big or small your manufacturing company is, chances are you’ve either dabbled in marketing yourself, or you hired someone else to manage the efforts for you. Regardless of which path you took, you probably realize the necessity of keeping up-to-date with the latest methods and trends.
Just like your facility requires regular auditing and re-evaluation year after year, so do your marketing campaigns.
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Industry Growth You Need to Know About
Manufacturing is a rollercoaster industry, with prophets and doomsayers focused on the tiny bumps and dips at every turn. But at the end of the day, the industry is showing signs of growth.
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Become BIM-Ready Today — Thomas Enterprise Experts Host Free BIM Webinar
Architects, engineers and contractors in the AEC industry have increased their focus on how they can improve efficiencies and better meet owners’ demands for an ‘as-built’ BIM model at the completion of a project. Utilizing more manufacturer-specific BIM models, complete with specs, performance characteristics and standards like COBIE, is becoming more important.
These AEC professionals seek products from manufacturers that can deliver the rich and detailed information they need, exactly when it’s needed in their process. To meet these expectations, building product manufacturers need to re-tool and re-think their sales and marketing process to fully adapt to the new demands of BIM.
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Growing Your Manufacturing Business: Converting Traffic Into Leads
In our last post, we discussed how to supercharge your website to attract more traffic. But what should you do with all of that traffic once you have it? This week, we addressed the next steps via an online webinar, and today I’ll be recapping some of the main concepts from that presentation.
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The Internet of Things is a Buzzword, and Millennials Love Buzzwords
I know — this is just another article on the Internet of Things amidst a sea of articles on the Internet of Things. Just hear me out.
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