The Social Media Accounts (And Hashtags!) You Should Be Following
In the digital age, the shop floor isn't the only place that manufacturing puts in work. Today, many industrial companies are incredibly active on social media, sharing their stories and interacting with fans and followers.
If you want to get in on the conversation, or see how a manufacturing company can effectively leverage social media as a sales channel, these are the accounts you want to follow.
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What I Learned Growing Up In Manufacturing: From Sales To President Of Onex
Onex got its start in 1966 as a refractory distributor for the foundry industry. As the industry declined in the 1980s, Onex began expanding its product offerings by manufacturing precast shapes, installing refractory materials and partnering with vendors to build furnaces.
Today, Onex is a “one-stop shop” for industrial furnace needs offering both refractory and combustion services as well as designing and building new, custom furnaces.
Meet Ashleigh Walters, President of Onex, a second-generation family-owned and women run business. Walter's experience in the manufacturing sector dates back to 2000 and she has shared her journey through industry.
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5 Uncommon Ways Industrial Businesses Use Videos to Boost Sales
Industrial businesses looking to capitalize on the power of videos in the B2B sales cycle often include product demos, virtual plant tours, and customer testimonials/case studies on their company websites and other places industrial buyers frequent.
Those are the most common — and in some cases the most crucial — types of videos, it's important to understand that there are many more ways to use videos as part of your sales and marketing. (And since research from Kissmetrics shows that the likelihood of a purchase increases by 64% to 85% after watching a product/service-related video, you could be missing out!)
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Facebook vs. LinkedIn vs. Twitter For Industrial Companies
Are you missing out on an amazing resource that can make your business' growth goal a reality — the answer might be in social media. Over 90% of companies, both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C), are currently making use of social media for marketing purposes. But with such a wide range of social networks to work with, and new ones popping up every day, navigating these options can often seem daunting.
While there are other social media networks that could be added to this list, we’re focusing on the main channels for B2B marketing purposes. Below, we’ll delve into three of the most popular social networks — Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter — and explore how industrial companies and manufacturers can make the most effective use of these versatile platforms, leading to more valuable prospects, increased leads, and, of course, boosted sales.
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6 Manufacturing Awards In 2019
Praise and recognition are essential to a healthy workplace, but awards and ceremonies take those achievements to the next level. Awards help promote your brand, showcase your team's work to company leaders, and look great on your resume.
For manufacturers, industry awards are a valuable way to get company exposure and credibility, and we've rounded up six manufacturing awards to put on your to-do list and apply to this year.
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5 Marketing Collateral Best Practices For Manufacturers
Graphic design is everywhere you look — from your manufacturing company’s logo on the front of your building to the website layout of this blog post you’re reading right now.
April 27 is World Graphics Day and to commemorate communication design, we’ll take a look at some marketing collateral best practices so you can ensure your content marketing is being communicated effectively and designed with your industrial buyers in mind.
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What Does A 404 Error Mean?
At some point in your web browsing life, you’ve undoubtedly come across a 404 error message. You typed in a URL or clicked a link to take you to a new page but suddenly — gasp — “Page Not Found.”
It’s not uncommon to see these types of errors while you’re surfing the web, but when you find one on your own website, suddenly you’ve got a problem. In this blog post, we’ll go over what a 404 error message means, what it means for your marketing efforts, why websites get them, and what you can do to fix any you may encounter on your industrial website.
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Product Sourcing Trends For Q1 2019, As Told By Game Of Thrones
Winter is here (seriously, spring, where are you?), and the first quarter of 2019 is officially over.
As an industrial company, you are always looking for ways to connect with B2B buyers. But what are those buyers looking for? With less than one week before the final season of Game Of Thrones premieres, we took a look at sourcing activity of some of the most useful elements of Westeros and beyond the wall on the Thomas Network at the end of Q1 to help you answer that question (and possibly win the Game of Thrones).
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Industrial Marketing: Train In-House vs. Hire An Agency vs. Freelancer?
Has one of your key marketing/sales employees resigned and you're out in the wild trying to find a replacement? Industrial marketing requires a lot of time and expertise. If you don’t quite have either, you’re not alone. Many manufacturing companies don’t have in-house marketing departments, and those that do often have limited budgets and personnel.
Or if you're beginning your first industrial marketing plan, how do you go about it? Your options are likely to train current employees, seek out freelancers, or hire an agency — and this could be one of the most important decisions you'll make on the path to growing your business. Let's look at the pros and cons of each.
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