Everything Manufacturers Need to Know About Paid Marketing
If you’ve been keeping up with our blog posts, you’ve been staying up to date about our marketing best practices for manufacturers.
We’ve covered a range of marketing topics:
- How to grow your business with inbound marketing
- Content marketing ideas for each stage of the marketing funnel
- Email marketing campaign best practices
- 77 percent of B2B buyers utilize search engines when sourcing new suppliers
- 61 percent of B2B industrial buyers utilize word-of-mouth referrals
- 33 percent of B2B buyers use internal company-preferred databases.

Is The Next Digital Marketing Battleground In Your Living Room?
The old marketing rules have changed to meet the needs of consumer behaviors. From establishing an online presence (73% of industrial buyers pay attention to your website!) to optimizing your website to offer a mobile version, it's important to update your marketing strategy based on user activity. Content marketing for manufacturing companies have incorporated mobile search and mobile ads built specifically for interaction on mobile devices.
But what about one of the most influential communications inventions of the 20th century — the television. The first TV advertisement aired in the 1940s, so traditional commercials have been around for a long time and has grown steadily. While mobile optimization and advertising are still important elements to target users, let's take a look at how the traditional TV set has evolved to consumers' behaviors and what it may mean for industrial marketers.
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Battling The Bots On Twitter
In the arena of digital advertising, bots cost companies nearly $17 billion a year by generating billions of fake clicks on ads. However, ad fraud isn't the only way that bots are wreaking havoc on digital marketing strategies (not to mention digital marketing budgets); they also play a massive and malignant role when it comes to social media.
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Using Google Docs, Slides, & Sheets For Marketing
Word documents, slide decks, data spreadsheets. What do these things have to do with industrial marketing? You might be surprised.
If you’re in charge of content marketing for your business, chances are you’re writing a lot of the copy in Word documents, presenting your ideas from slide decks, and analyzing data with spreadsheets.

The Marketing Conferences You Should Attend In 2019
As the year begins, industrial companies are beefing up their marketing plans and mapping out goals for 2019. To be successful, you must be aware of the latest technology and trends that will help your business grow, and marketing conferences can be a huge help.
Not only do these "meetings of the minds" help keep marketers up-to-date on the latest innovations, but they provide a valuable opportunity to network and commiserate with others in the field.
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10 Reasons Why Nobody Is Reading Your Emails
When it comes to your industrial marketing strategy, well-thought-out email marketing campaigns must be a part of your approach.
If you’re not getting the engagement you want from your email marketing campaigns, it’s time to reevaluate your tactics. Below are 10 common mistakes you may be making with your industrial marketing emails.
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Never Trust a Marketing Agency that Tells You…
When searching for a manufacturing marketing agency to work with, it’s important that you ask all the right questions to determine if the relationship is a good fit for your business. It’s just as important that you weed out the bad answers you receive.
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BIM Vs. CAD Files: What's The Difference?
For decades, product design engineers have used computer-aided design (CAD) programs — such as Autodesk’s AutoCAD — to design various parts and components. These sophisticated programs are capable of creating extremely detailed 2D and 3D models.
With building information modeling (BIM) files growing in demand among leading architecture firms, many building product manufacturers consistently ask the question, “Can’t I just convert CAD files to BIM files?” The short answer: No. CAD and BIM file types differ in many ways, making a successful conversion nearly impossible.
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11 Ways To Make Your Industrial PPC Campaign More Effective
For manufacturing companies, getting started with pay-per-click advertising can be simple.
Seriously, Google touts that it takes "just a few minutes" to build your first ad. That means you can go from having absolutely no search engine presence at all to having your ads show on the first page of results in less time than it takes to heat up your leftovers for lunch.
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