Engineer Q&A: How To Get A Job At NASA
On the heels of the successful Pluto flyby, one thing that remains clear is that the American public is still as excited as ever about outer space discoveries.
Not only that, but many of the key figures involved in NASA’s missions today are female. As we continue to make strides in the field of science, it seems we’re also making strides to close the gender gap, one flyby at a time.

How to Avoid Shady Pay-Per-Click Services
You needed a fast way to drive more leads and opportunities for the sales team. When you looked at Google AdWords (aka Pay-Per-Click) it seemed to make sense and fit the budget, so you jumped in with both feet. The leads are coming in and you’re happy!
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The ThomasNet.com Supplier Discovery Platform Becomes a Vital Resource to Walmart’s Supply Chain
Walmart’s $250 billion commitment to buy products that support American jobs is expected to make a big impact on US manufacturing. Within the next 10 years, more of the company’s vendors will be sourcing American-made products and components to support their “Made in USA” initiative.
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10 Can’t-Miss Tips to Get Your Video Marketing Started
As a video marketer, my days are typically filled with brainstorming, storyboarding, filming, uploading, editing and exporting — plus everything in between.
For the most part though, I’m sitting behind a computer with a pair of headphones on, so a few weeks ago I jumped at the chance to head to Boston for WistiaFest. It’s a conference put on by the hosting platform Wistia where myself and 300 of my fellow video-loving peers could learn, network and break out in spontaneous dance party. (Plus there was a dog hanging out during all networking events at Wistia HQ, so if we’re being honest, it’s a miracle I interacted with any humans.)
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5 Reasons to Join Your Local NTMA Chapter
We’ve all read the doom and gloom headlines surrounding the U.S. manufacturing sector. Facing challenges from outsourcing, a lack of skilled labor, and rising material costs, industry has certainly been facing a bumpy road.
The National Tooling and Machining Association’s (NTMA) sole purpose is to help manufacturers overcome these issues by connecting members and sharing resources.
Here we’ve outlined 5 benefits of joining your local NTMA chapter.
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Who’s Really Influencing the Industrial Buying Process?
If there’s one thing we can all relate to, it’s the drive to succeed in business. It’s behind everything we do at work, and it’s the reason we spend so much time trying to perfect our marketing efforts. But if you don’t really know who you’re marketing to, you might as well just stand on the roof and shout into a megaphone. Sure, people will hear you, but will they be the right people? Probably not.
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7 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Work for You
You know that you should be on LinkedIn, but you’re not entirely sure why. You’re not actively looking for a job (hopefully), so why bother creating a profile on this professional network? It’s a sentiment shared by many people in the industrial space.
Ultimately, the goal is to expand your network to boost exposure for your brand. The more connected you are online, the more opportunities you have to promote your company.
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Your Fourslide Supplier: Offshore vs. Local
The fourslide process offers a number of advantages over the traditional power press. As a cost-effective means of production, thefourslide process allows complicated forms to be produced at reduced costs and allows for both fast product delivery and a wide range of form modification without incurring costly penalties.
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Beat the Summer Slowdown by Updating Your Digital Strategy
It’s no secret that summer is typically a low-key business season for many industries. While there are some exceptions, like lawn mower manufacturers and distributors, the overall trend is a summertime slump. But just because many of your employees are at the beach or backyard barbeques, that doesn’t mean your business can’t grow in other ways. In fact, reduced factory activity offers the perfect opportunity to re-invest in other areas that may have fallen to the wayside during peak industrial times.
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