How Much Are Buyers Spending On New Suppliers?
A lot goes into generating industrial sales — great emails, valuable content, an optimized website, and a commitment to staying ahead of the latest trends — just for starters.
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An Introduction To Account Based Marketing
Have you heard about the latest trend in B2B marketing, the new approach all the cool kids in the industry are talking about?
Account Based Marketing, or ABM, is an approach to marketing that concentrates sales and marketing resources on a specific set of targeted accounts.
The idea is to clearly define the clients you want, then launch campaigns tailor-made for each of them rather than going broad.
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The State Of Manufacturing Reshoring Today
Over the past several years, many U.S. manufacturers have moved operations offshore in order to reduce labor costs and bring jobs closer to their raw material sources. Although this can be an efficient way of increasing profits, it does come with its drawbacks — more complex supply chains, delivery issues, culture and language barriers, and long distances to operations, to name a few, making it hard to keep track of jobs and quickly address issues as they arise.
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How to Make the Most of Your Industrial Marketing Budget in 2018
For many people, the new year provides a fresh start, the chance to reflect on the past twelve months and make necessary changes and improvements. In the same vein, it can also serve as a great springboard for brainstorming new marketing initiatives that will help make the most of your 2018 budget.
In today’s ever-shifting, increasingly digital landscape, there are seemingly infinite ways to put your industrial marketing budget to use, but some strategies may not provide the long-term benefits you’re looking for. Below are a few of the most effective marketing tactics you may want to consider implementing in the coming year.
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Manufacturing Trends To Look For In 2018
With 2017 in the rearview mirror, it’s time to look ahead and consider implementing some newmanufacturing initiatives for the new year.
How much do you know about the Internet of Things (IoT), for example? Are you keeping up with developments in artificial intelligence (AI)? New technologies and other trends continue to barrel forward, bringing about new innovations that — even if you’re not yet in the position to implement — you still need to understand.
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The Top Marketing Conferences You Need To Attend in 2018
The new year is the perfect time to take stock of your current marketing plans, map out goals for the future, and review your budget and spending objectives. But to truly stay ahead of the pack, you need to be plugged in to the latest trends and technologies.
Industry conferences and trade shows are a great way to stay up to date on new innovations while also taking advantage of valuable networking opportunities — and maybe even enjoying a cocktail or two in a new setting. (Who says you can’t mix business and pleasure?)
But, as we all know, attending conferences requires an investment of time, money, and energy, so it’s important to choose wisely. Marketing conferences abound in 2018, all with the ultimate aim of helping companies like yours boost their marketing efforts in today’s increasingly digital landscape.
Here are a few of the top conferences we deem worthy of your time this coming year.
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6 Things NOT To Post On Social Media
The industrial space poses many unique challenges and opportunities for marketers. In manufacturing companies comprising just a handful of employees, there’s often very little time or budget left for a full time social media manager. This leaves us with two options — contracting out social media services to an outside firm or enlisting the help of current employees to take some time out during the day to manage the social media accounts.
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Industrial Marketing Year In Review
The manufacturing and industrial space is no stranger to change. From the assembly line to automation, there has been an unending wave of innovations that transformed the industry.
Much like the industry itself, industrial marketing has also evolved. Gone are the days of printed fliers and word-of-mouth advertising; now, it’s all about digital marketing — your website, content, emails, and social media.
But the shift from traditional marketing to digital marketing is still happening. New trends continue to emerge, and savvy industrial marketers must continue to adapt in order to stay ahead.
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How To Boost Your Sales And Marketing Efforts In The New Year
The New Year is just around the corner. Business owners and managers should use this time to look back and reflect. Did you meet your goals? Did you try new tactics? Did they work? How can you improve upon existing efforts?
It’s also time to set new parameters, specifically in regard to marketing and sales. How did you do with finding new business? Were your marketing strategies effective? Did you take advantage of all today’s technology has to offer? Were you afraid to try certain things, or lack the time or motivation to adopt new strategies?
A new year brings a fresh start. Here are some tips to boost your sales and marketing during this next trip around the sun.
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