How To Become A Supplier For Big Companies
Becoming an approved supplier for a large global company can change your business dramatically, but landing a big customer takes far more than a hello and a handshake.
If you want your company get selected in the buying process, we have insights and tips to share — below, we'll talk about how big companies choose new suppliers, along with what manufacturers and industrial companies can do to increase their chances of earning new business from them.
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6 Tips For Improving Quality Control On Your Shop Floor
It doesn't matter how smoothly you operate or what exciting policies you have in place in your operation — there's always room for improvement!
Whether you need to overhaul your quality control program, double check your existing standards, or are just interested in how others are handling theirs, now's the time to do a little spring cleaning and review your quality control.
And we're here to help — in this post, we'll talk through six ways to improve the quality control on your shop floor.
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Top 7 Benefits Of Local Sourcing In 2022
Consumer landscapes are continuing to change while businesses are adjusting for the new normal. Manufacturers and industrial companies across the world are working hard to maintain and strengthen their supply chains. And companies who preferred to source internationally to save on costs, are seeking other cost-effective solutions.
The growing reality is that procurement professionals actually prefer to source locally.
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How To Grow Your Steel And Metals Manufacturing Business
Steel continues to be one of the most sourced products on the Thomasnet.com platform. It is no surprise that steel and metals represent an important supply source to today's aerospace, aviation, and medical industries.
So how can steel and metal manufacturing businesses continue the momentum of their business growth? First, make sure you have a clear business plan. Some manufacturers try to grow their manufacturing business by doing everything possible. In this post, we'll help you choose business goals that are realistic and how you can document them so you can see your milestones and track your growth along the way. Doing so will ensure you're not as overwhelmed and your employees stay motivated too.
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Giving Thanks: B2B Customer Appreciation Tips For Manufacturers
You already know that your customers mean everything to your manufacturing business. However, it's important to let those customers know it every once in a while, too. Most companies likely spend a lot of time, money, and energy bringing in new clients, but very few companies expend anywhere near that much to retain the customers they already have. In fact, just 43% percent of B2B firms consider customer satisfaction a key goal. Studies show that organizations that focus on optimizing their customer engagement outperform their competitors by 26%.
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Digital Customer Experience Trends Manufacturing Leaders Are Embracing In 2021
Engineers, procurement managers, and MROs face many challenges in their jobs. Navigating a supplier’s website to find the information or support they need to make a purchase decision shouldn’t be one of them. These B2B buyers have become used to excellent digital experiences from the brands they engage within their personal lives, and they are bringing those exact expectations to the workplace as they evaluate potential suppliers for their companies.
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12 Tips For Growing Your CNC Machining Business
Growing a business can be a challenging endeavor, especially for entrepreneurs entering a crowded market with large, well-established competitors already in place.
As the manufacturing industry experiences shifts in how it operates, how can CNC machining businesses secure contracts and grow within the industry despite today's challenging obstacles?
It's a good question, and we're here to help answer it — take a look at our tips and suggestions for small CNC machine shops to continue growing their businesses in an ever-crowding market.
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Get Selected In The B2B Buying Process: 26 Items To Check Off
As you know, industrial/B2B buyers and procurement managers looking to establish a long-term relationship with your business may vet you quite thoroughly.
And today, they prefer to evaluate suppliers anonymously online, then create a shortlist of potential partners before contacting you for further vetting.
Are you losing out to potential new customers? Here's how you can make sure your online presence doesn’t have any holes that leave you short of gaining new business.
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What Risks Concern Manufacturing Industry Leaders Today?
The manufacturing industry is largely comprised of small businesses. Within these smaller organizations, financial decisions always loom incredibly large. Every dollar counts, and one misstep can lead to a loss of a key customer or another negative consequence. That's why it's important to steer clear of these common risks and challenges.
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