The Basics Of A/B Testing For Manufacturers And Industrial Companies
Much like the machines on your shop floor, you want to make sure that your industrial marketing is working to its full potential and producing results you expect. A/B testing (also referred to as split testing, multivariate testing, or iterative testing) can help you continuously update your online marketing efforts to ensure maximum ROI.
Not familiar with the term, or curious how A/B testing works? Here’s a basic overview.
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Measuring The Industrial Marketing ROI Of Phone Calls
When it comes to measuring the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing activities, it’s essential that you’re actually measuring all of it. Thanks to the increasing prevalence of digital marketing, most marketers look at things like clicks, open rates and conversions. But if you’re like many industrial suppliers, you could be overlooking an essential piece of the marketing metrics puzzle — phone inquiries.

Content Marketing And Manufacturers: What Is It?
Content marketing can persuade potential partners and influence buyers at every stage of the buying cycle, so it's important to understand the essential elements that make up a successful content marketing strategy and how they support sales.
Content marketing isn't limited to the types of content or channels you use to promote — many other moving pieces like sales, traditional marketing tactics, and brand evangelists play into it.
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New Suppliers on Thomasnet.com for January 2020
New and exciting companies are constantly popping up across the industrial landscape in North America, and our expert team of content analysts is right there to capture information on hundreds of them every month. January's crop of new arrivals to our platform includes a supplier of biodegradable straws, a haptics software company that allows users to feel textures in smart screens, and a seismoelectric supplier with patent pending technology. Let's dive right in.
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New and Noteworthy Categories on Thomasnet.com for January 2020
We may have celebrated our 122nd anniversary this past month at Thomas, but our platform is anything but old-fashioned. Every month our team of engineering experts keeps us future proof by adding new searchable categories to the 70,000+ we already have on the platform so that you can source the products and services you need. Want to see what we added in January to kick off our next decade of supporting industry? Our ten newest favorites are below.
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What Is ROI In Marketing [And How To Prove It]
It is more important than ever today for marketing professionals to maximize the return on investment (ROI) for their marketing efforts. But the ability to determine a clear ROI for marketing continues to elude many companies. While there is no single solution to getting more out of your marketing, there are some marketing methods that are both more effective and easier to measure the effectiveness of.
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A/B Testing Examples For Manufacturers And Industrial Companies
When was the last time you A/B tested your website? Was it last month? Last year? Never? Continuous iteration is important for driving improvements on industrial websites and to ensure your website is meeting your business goals.
A/B testing — also known as multivariate testing, iterative testing, or split testing — refers to the creation of two versions of digital marketing assets. Both versions are analyzed to identify which one delivers the best performance. The data gained from A/B testing industrial websites helps deliver the best possible experience for the end user.
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What Is B2B Emotional Marketing?
Imagine the best marketing campaigns you’ve ever seen. Chances are, they all shared a common element — they evoked some sort of emotion within you. Whether it was nostalgia, laughter, jealousy, or even rage, those campaigns struck a nerve.
Now, were these marketing campaigns produced by a major brand targeting consumers? In most cases, they were — this falsely leads many to believe that emotion has no place in B2B marketing.
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What To Expect When Hiring An Industrial Marketing Agency
Digital marketing is an ever-evolving practice that requires a great deal of attention and expertise. Creating comprehensive strategies across multiple digital channels can seem like a daunting task when you take into consideration the other daily challenges you’re facing running a business, especially when industrial marketing isn't your expertise. To make sure they’re creating strong marketing campaigns that accomplish specific business goals, many companies turn to marketing agencies for assistance.
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