Grow Your Manufacturing Business: Expanding Into New Markets
American manufacturing is on the upswing. Hiring activity is at historic highs; reshoring is bringing production back to the U.S., and buyers are spending more on new suppliers than they have in recent years.
Business owners continue to be cautious with investments and costs, with good reason. Even as manufacturing and the economy as a whole make gains, the memory of tougher times looms. Fortunately, today's digital marketing landscape allows you to take substantial steps to grow your business and expand into new markets.
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Opportunities For Manufacturers To Grow The CBD Industry
The global CBD market is anticipated to grow at a strong rate. Market projections see the recreational cannabis market expected to grow over 40% between 2020-2025 as availability increases and prices drop. With medicinal and recreational marijuana legalization increasing throughout the U.S., more consumers are exploring the benefits of cannabis products, and the market has responded with an array of innovations.
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How To Use Digital Marketing To Engage Local B2B Buyers
Manufacturers and industrial distributors stand to gain a lot from building and nurturing relationships with local buyers. These buyers are easier to engage with to create new partnerships, nurture with to establish long-term relationships, and manage logistically. And these buyers seek local suppliers for these same reasons — in a recent industrial buying habits survey, 84% of procurement professionals said they preferred to work with local vendors.
So to help manufacturers win new business and build better relationships with local partners, we’ve compiled a few tips.
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2021 SEO Tips For Industrial Distributors
Search engine optimization (SEO) has been around for quite some time, but it has become increasingly important for industrial distributors to adopt as more B2B customers purchase products online.
Google plans to update its algorithm this year to include a factor called Page Experience. At a minimum, the content on an industrial distributor’s website should be valuable to your readers and easy to navigate. But your loading speed, mobile-friendliness, and visual stability contribute to your page experience too. Now is the time to take essential steps on your website’s health if you want to keep your page rankings high.
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New and Noteworthy Categories on Thomasnet.com for March 2021
Sweep the last of your winter blues away with an overview of the New and Noteworthy Categories in March. Warmer temperature brings a strong focus to several construction-related categories, while recent weather events highlight the importance of resilient, up-to-date power systems. Products like e-textile circuits and ornamental bending machines round out our list. Take a look at our 13 newest favorite categories below.
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New Suppliers on Thomasnet.com for March 2021
Let’s welcome our new cohort of manufacturing companies who joined Thomasnet.com® this month. We are excited about these suppliers’ immense talent and capabilities: from delivering natural resources like rock and boulders, supplying low-carbon and sustainable fuels, to offering ultra-delicate surveillance solutions. Here we're showcasing ten of our latest finds across the US and Canada:
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Using Digital Marketing To Win Business From Fortune 1000 Companies
Landing a contract with a major buyer can have a significant impact on your business. However, large buying organizations like Fortune 1000s tend to do things differently from smaller businesses that have more flexibility in approaching new partnerships.
According to DemandGen, 67% of B2B buyers rely more on digital content to research and make purchasing decisions than they did a year ago. So if you want to drive real new business results and get in front of major companies, it's necessary to have a strong online presence that addresses the major concerns and qualifications these companies are looking for when considering new suppliers.
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6 Ways Manufacturers Can Transform Their Sales Organization
The B2C space has adapted quickly to using technologies and tools to connect with more customers, and B2B businesses (including industrial companies) making a move too. We've pulled together some tips to incorporate tactics that fall under the sales transformation journey (and tied to inbound marketing) to help you become more competitive in the current market and have meaningful conversations with high-quality leads.
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Website Content Marketing To Strengthen Your Custom Manufacturing Brand
Most custom manufacturing businesses and service providers have an extensive list of their capabilities, services, materials, machines, and certifications. These are the basics that help potential customers understand what you can do for them.
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