How Manufacturing Quality Certifications Help Win Business
For manufacturing companies, attaining and maintaining quality certifications can take a lot of time and effort, but it's important to have these qualifications for a number of reasons—including winning new business.
Whether it's a well-known standard like ISO or ANSI or a more niche accreditation like QS 9000 or IRIS, quality certifications let buyers know that you can meet their specific standards.
This can be a powerful sales and marketing tool because most buyers specifically search out suppliers with these acronyms attached to their names, and if you have them, it's an immediate sign of trust over one of your competitors without them.
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9 Tips to Writing Subject Lines That Work for Manufacturers
The job of a subject line is simple: Get the reader to open the email.
On average, 33 percent of recipients open emails based on its subject line, so it’s incredibly important to get it right — because even the most enticing email in the world won’t matter if the reader ignores it.
There’s plenty of insight and data across the web on best practices for email marketing, but here are a few key tips to help you write an attractive subject line that will not only draw in your readers, but your buyers and prospects.
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The Must-Haves On Your Company's Contact Us Page (With Examples)
While buyers are typically 70% of the way to making a purchase before they reach out, you need to make it simple for them to get in touch when they're ready.
Think about it — your dream customer has made it to your website, read your blog posts, your company and product information, and maybe even downloaded some of your eBooks or product files, but when they're finally ready to reach out or submit an RFQ, you leave them hanging. Not the best experience, right?
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How To Become A Top Manufacturing Supplier (7 Tips)
Most of us know that supplying a quality product or service on time and at a fair price is critical to achieving customer satisfaction.
But what if you're not the only one that can do this for your customer?
Competition is more fierce than ever — with getting new business and maintaining current relationships — so we want to help you become your customer's first choice for their next order and rank as a top supplier.
Read below for our tips on how to become a top manufacturing supplier.
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How To Sell Industrial Products Online In A B2C World
The online product sourcing landscape has changed.
B2B consumers are no longer satisfied with data buried in poorly organized catalogs and PDFs. Instead, like their B2C online experience, consumers expect a dynamic, user-friendly experience filled with compelling data.
This movement drives companies to invest in digitized catalogs and create a complete digital customer experience for online prospects, and if you're not on top of it, you're already behind.
Now's the time for B2B businesses, manufacturers, and industrial companies to shift their current online strategies and elevate their existing lead generation efforts to sell their industrial products effectively online. Need help doing so? We'll break it down for you in this post.

10 Signs Your Manufacturing Website Is Out Of Date
It used to be that simply having a website would set you apart from the competition. You could create a handful of pages, add a little background about the company, sprinkle in some images, set it, and forget it.
But today's world is more digitally connected than ever and if you want your website to be a lead generator, it requires a lot more upkeep—because today, users expect more.
Thus, manufacturers and industrial companies are investing in website efforts because it is proven as a key driver of new business and the centerpiece of growth and digital marketing efforts.
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How To Get Started With An Industrial Marketing Strategy This Year
Digital industrial marketing drives customers to your business’ products and services through coordinated design, content, social media, and SEO tactics. Many manufacturing and industrial companies may think that digital marketing would be more suited toward consumer goods and B2C than the industrial space, but that's not the case. With the rise of digital transformation of sales and marketing, successful B2B companies see marketing as a direct influence on revenue generation and more manufacturers are aligning their efforts with today's digital world.
In fact, most industrial manufacturers are practically already set up for a marketing campaign — they just don’t know it yet. Here's how to get started.
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SEO For Manufacturers And Industrial Companies In 2022: Is SEO Worth It?
For many manufacturers and industrial companies, search engine optimization (SEO) is still shrouded in mystery. It’s understandable — the rules and “best practices” are ever-evolving, shifting constantly as new technologies and trends come and go. It’s no surprise, then, that there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding SEO.
So if you're new to the digital marketing world, let's take a step back to the basics of SEO and help you understand its worth to manufacturers and industrial companies.
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6 Ways To Redefine Your B2B Manufacturing Marketing Strategy In 2022
With 2021 drawing to a close, now is the time to look ahead and start setting your industrial marketing plan for the future. Upgrading your digital tools and supplementing your traditional tactics puts your manufacturing company in a better position for lead generation.
Here are ways you can boost your manufacturing marketing strategy to meet the changing needs of today's buyers and get more qualified leads.
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