Introducing Thomas WebTrax 3.0: Opportunity Intelligence for Industry

When you have data that tips you off to a buyer’s interest early on in their buying process, that data is priceless. Without it, those buyers are as much as 70 percent of the way through their buying journey before you find out they’re interested in products and services like yours — if you ever find out at all.

Thomas WebTrax LogoThomas WebTrax® 3.0 gives you that “Opportunity Intelligence,” with in-market buyer data that allows you to track, identify and engage the high-value opportunities generated by your online presence.

Track all your opportunities.

Now you can thoroughly track in-market buyer activity across your various digital marketing efforts. Whether buyers are visiting your website or your® profile, viewing your eCatalog, downloading your CAD or BIM files, or even calling you by phone, the Thomas WebTrax 3.0 platform tracks, stores and presents that data to you on one comprehensive and intuitive dashboard.

Thomas WebTrax 3.0 allows you to follow the entire buyer journey seamlessly, giving you real-time data that shows everything from their first interaction with your online presence, right up through their most recent activity. This unprecedented tracking is the most effective way to ensure that you’re able to identify and engage buyers that are in-market for what you offer.

Identify your high-value opportunities.

The Thomas WebTrax 3.0 platform makes it easy for you to identify in-market buyers at all stages of the buying cycle, and prioritize the highest value opportunities for your sales team to pursue. It allows you to automatically define and identify the opportunities that provide the best growth path for your business, using filters to specify criteria such as industry, location, company size and revenue range.

To further identify your best opportunities, you can also specify high-value pages and buyer actions from across the entire data pool collected by Thomas WebTrax 3.0. All settings and filters are easily adjustable and update in real-time to coincide with your evolving business goals.

Engage your opportunities.

Thomas WebTrax 3.0 goes beyond the numbers to give your marketing and sales teams the actionable opportunity intelligence they need to engage in-market buyers, whether they are marketing qualified leads (MQLs) early in the buying journey, or sales qualified leads (SQLs) closer to the purchase decision. By allowing you to see each buyer’s activity and engagement that led up to their current stage of the buying process, Thomas WebTrax 3.0 gives your sales team valuable insight and enables them to craft more meaningful outreach calls. It even has the ability to feed your RFIs directly into your marketing automation system, to fuel your pipeline and keep your sales team inspired and engaged.

Go beyond simple web analytics, start engaging real buyers.

Thomas WebTrax 3.0 uncovers actionable Opportunity Intelligence for industry, on a platform that bridges the gap between marketing and sales, brings out the best in both, and helps drive new growth for your business. Thomas WebTrax 3.0 is free for qualifying companies, visit to learn more.

Thomas WebTrax

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