Manufacturers Struggle To Find Skilled & Interested Workers
Jay Scheer January 4, 2017
In light of the recent presidential election, there has been a renewed focus on the plight of blue collar workers and the lack of job opportunities in manufacturing and other industrial sectors.
However, while workers say they can't find jobs to support their families, at the same time companies are having trouble finding workers with the right skills to support their businesses. In fact, a study from Deloitte projects that the U.S. manufacturing industry faces a 2-million worker shortage over the next decade.
But if so many workers want new jobs and so many companies want to hire new workers, what's causing the disconnect? A recent article in the Chicago Tribune may shed some light on the situation.
Expansion Plans On Hold
The Tribune interviewed Richard Gilchrist, chairman of Felsomat USA. Felsomat plans to triple the size of it's facility in Schaumburg, Illinois. However, those expansion plans have been delayed because the company can't find the technicians it needs to design, build and service the technology that will be an integral part of the facility.
A Shift From Assembly To Automation
While the manufacturing workforce of the past was built on low-paying assembly jobs, the future of the manufacturing industry lies in technology.
However, without the proper training opportunities – both in academia and within manufacturing companies themselves – these jobs will go unfilled, and growth opportunities will go unrealized.
Read the original article to find out what else is causing the shortage and what companies are doing to address it.
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